Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The big green

I finally just did it. The road I live on is a slight hill, and up that slight hill is an intersection with a stop sign. Anyone coming up the road with their lights on will inevitably have their headlights shining directly into my kitchen window. Also, anyone walking or driving down the road has a clear view of the aforementioned window, and the associated deck built off of the kitchen.

I finally just tore out all the goofy decorative landscaping the house came with (yea, I'm not big on lawn maintenance), shredded everything, plus the ground it was living in, and mulched everything over. I then proceeded to plant a dozen evergreen giants.

Oh but I didn't just stick them in the ground. I perfectly lined one up so it was directly between the window and the intersection, then selected the tallest of them for that exact spot. I spaced them out on either side from there. This particular variety grows 1-2 feet per year, so if I did this first thing they'd be pretty tall by now. Therein lies my regret; I noticed this problem the first fall/winter after moving in. Should have done it the following spring. 

 I also shouldn't have waited to do this until I was 40. I was working on this for 7 hours (including hauling 24 bags of mulch) because I tried (successfully) to get everything done in one day.

Yea, I'm not in that great shape.

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