Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The librarian

I keep looking for jobs in my field. 

Yea, I know it's been eight years since I graduated and I haven't heard back from a wild majority of potential employers. I had probably 10 interviews after applying for nearly a thousand jobs. Every piece of advice was either unhelpful or useless.

"Try changing your attitude" Wait what? How is my attitude going to cause someone I've never met to consider a resume they haven't looked at? Or am I supposed to be happy that nothing is happening?

Whatever. After two years I simply gave up. I moved away from my college town and came home, finding my old job and somehow becoming financially stable and relatively happy. For some reason, I occasionally look up jobs in my area that use my degree.

There aren't many.

The local water company is one of them, so every so often I'll look at the county's job openings to see if they need someone with a stale unused degree. The most recent search was about as fruitful for me as ever, but I did notice that they were looking for librarians. That's my wife's degree. I forwarded the information and forgot about it.

About a week or so later, she called me asking if my schedule could be adjusted to accommodate a new job. Turns out she applied, interviewed, and got an offer before I even knew she had done anything. Seeing as my work schedule returned to almost full time, I could shift hours around to make it work.

I began wondering that if she looked for jobs in her field, she might find one for me instead.

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