Friday, November 19, 2021

Unrequited time off

So in the past 2 years I've had a lot of time off. I normally enjoy having time off work, it lets me take care of other tasks that typically stack up until the weekend, I get to relax, all the normal things that come with time off. Problem I've had is that everyone else has had the same time off. The wife has been home, which is good. The kids have also been home, which is a full time job in itself.

School started, and there was no remote option. They all went right back. We walk them over in the morning. The house got quiet - really quiet. The wife's new job keeps her out 3 afternoons a week, so it's even quieter.

Almost immediately, work picked up. I went from a day and a half, right back up to nearly full time. The house is empty, the house is quiet, and I don't get to enjoy it. I know I'm supposed to be grateful, that I can take care of everything and everyone without having to rely on handouts. But honestly, the timing is terrible. 

I could have worked all summer, when life at home was at its noisiest, and had the time off when I could actually use it. I have so many odd projects that require intense focus that even with my family leaving me alone, having the house full of people derails me very easily.

The universe is out to get me.

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