Sunday, January 31, 2021

Bored games

The morning started off with my son bringing Jenga into the kitchen. I didn't even question it, I just set it up, and we played alongside his sister. Between my old self, his 11 year old mania, and our plucky 5 year old girl, we actually managed to make a big tower out of it before it succumbed to structural integrity failure.

Later the kids turned a long deck chair cushion into a makeshift sled and bounced down the stairs over and over. Nobody was hurt, but that's probably because I wasn't going with them.

Near the end, another brought up Settlers of Canaan (not to be confused with Settlers of Catan) and we had a nice lengthy game (where the younger of our kids were paired up with the adults in teams, and instead of trying to win, we just made sure they had fun)

Everyone was happy. Everyone got along. We don't let the kids play video games on Sundays (we actually require them to interact with us and each other) and honestly it was the best day we've had in awhile.

...also it was too cold to kick them outside.

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