Monday, January 18, 2021

The toe

I've been dealing with a temperamental toenail for (checks watch) 25 years, give or take. You see the nail is supposed to grow the same direction the toe is pointed, but this one likes to go sideways. In my youth, I was taken to a podiatrist who took care of it, but pointed out that it looked like it would always be an issue. He suggested, basically, cutting half the nail off and cauterizing it so this would never be a problem again. I hesitated to approve such a procedure because, at the time, I thought it would make my toe look weird.

Crap I was such an idiot.

I mean, who even looks at your toe? Well anyway, that was when I was a teenager. Now I'm (checks watch again) 40 and I've been dealing with it on my own since then, with varying degrees of success. (Without going into any detail, it's orc self butchery levels of action I'm taking).

Well it finally happened. I just can't deal with it any more. Also, I literally can't do anything about it any more. My appointment is Wednesday. I'd like to be able to just my stupid foot.

And that ends my rant about my foot.

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