Monday, January 4, 2021

Unrequited time off

So with the industry in the toilet, I'm down to working only two days a week. I get that plus partial unemployment, so we're doing alright for the time being. Meanwhile, I'm at home "helping" my wife with this school at home hodgepodge. I say helping but really the kids seem to have it all figured out. All you have to do is feed them a steady diet of chicken noodle soup and they stay put and do their work.

Credit to my wife. It took half the school year to get to this point.

With all the extra time you'd think I could take care of my dozen or so projects around the house, but I'm at a point where everything is deeply inconvenient. Not helpful. For example my furnace has an attached humidifier, which totally failed. In addition to not working at all, it's leaking everywhere. I can't do any work on it without disabling the furnace for the duration of the repair, and it's too cold to want to do that. So the air is so dry it qualifies as crispy, and there's water leaking. (It's landing on a concrete floor about 4 feet away from a sump pump, so I'm not really that worried about it, but still...)

To say nothing about the electrical, walls, upstairs bathroom, etc. Everything requires something else. At one point, the last thing will happen and they'll fall like dominoes. Then I'll retire because it took me until my golden years.

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