Tuesday, January 12, 2021


I get that websites change their look from time to time, but... it's starting to grate. Facebook used to change its layout every other year or so, and it rankled people. The most recent change makes it look more like Twitter. Twitter changes it so you can't just view a tweet and its replies, it forces "suggestions" in and hides what you're actually looking for. Even YouTube, which once offered relevant videos, now has a "news" section, thus removing the You from the Tube.

I'm starting to sound like an old man when I want the internet back. I tire of algorithms thinking they know what I want (they never do) and force-fed ads cluttering everything. (I run so many ad blockers it's insane). I used to be able to find some pretty awesome playlists and keep up with friends that moved across the country. Now it feels like an arms race.

Yes I'm complaining. It's my blog, I'll write whatever I want.

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