Monday, July 25, 2022

Yearly lung thing

This is the third July in a row that I've had some lower respiratory ailment. It's become a tradition; someone brings home a mild cough that bothers them for a day or so, and I'm laid up for a week with fluid in my lungs.

I'm going to isolate myself the entire month of July next year, just to see what happens.

Friday, July 22, 2022

The humidity

The air is so thick it's getting D's on math tests.

The air is so wet if you spin your hands around, you can wring it out.

It's so humid I left a dry sponge outside and it was soaked in seconds.

It's not raining but I haven't had to water my garden all week. 

I ran out of jokes, it's too hot and humid to think.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Patched up

The numbness fading, I notice I can't run my tongue between my teeth as well as I could this morning. The sharpness against my mouth is conspicuously absent.

I had a cold drink, and only half my mouth felt cold. That's so disconcerting, but I know why, so it's not that disconcerting. I haven't been able to eat certain foods with half a tooth sitting there, and this morning was no exception, so I'm hungry. But not being able to feel half of my mouth gives me reason to delay eating, as I'd rather not wind up chewing through my own cheek.

I've had enough smoothies for now.

I tried having a bowl of ice cream the other day. One bite and it taught me just how sensitive it was. My son took care of the rest for me. I need less caustic comfort foods.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Swim lessons

Ever since we moved in, we've been taking the kids to swim lessons in the summer. Then, for some reason, they didn't have swim lessons available for some reason. Two years later, they're back at the pool. 

Two because the pool they did swim lessons at was closed due to a broken filter pump with no replacement parts available until late fall, but whatever.

The first session, all the kids had their lesson at the same time, right before free swim started. They would spend half the day at the pool. Now, because they're in different levels, the lessons are staggered throughout the morning. It would be annoying if the pool wasn't a 2 minute drive from home.

The kids could walk if it wasn't a busy road with no sidewalk. But nooooooo

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

One bite

Did you ever take a bite of something, and it crunched so hard to had to apologize to your mouth? That bone rattling jackhammer sensation that feels like a woodpecker attempting a root canal just happened to be a filling breaking in my mouth.

Ok, rewind. When I lived in Buffalo, I needed a filling, the first one ever. One of my friends was a dental student, and just happened to need to do that exact type of filling for one of his exams. I get free dental work, he graduates. It's win-win. It's an old school silver filling, but I wasn't about to complain. Fast forward to a couple years ago, and my professional, owns their own practice dentist determines I need another filling. Over the years it's been three of them.

My oral hygiene may not be that great.

So I get these three fillings done, and two of them have come out. The first one to come out was just last year. The second was just now. They can't see me to fix it until next week Thursday. I have to deal with a nice sharp tooth and a constant ache because this practice only has one dentist.

I've lost faith in this. That old school silver filling has been unnoticeable since day one. The three I've had in since have always called attention to themselves, whether because they sit too high and I have to go back, or they quit and leave.  My dental student friend is completely inactive on social media, and I'd have to go through a lot of red tape to go back to the dental school, so here I am... waiting.